Mount Compass Area School

Mount Compass Area School

Mount Compass Area School





  • 院校性质:公立
  • 授课语言:英语
Mount Compass Area School相关问答 > Mount Compass Area School怎么样?好不好?
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    Mount Compass Area School怎么样?好不好?


      Mount Compass Area School(http://school.wjszx.com.cn/au/compassas/)said:The first school, with Miss Cameron of Sellicks Hill as its first teacher, opened the doors of the Roadman's Cottage on 3 July 1899. Nine students enrolled on the first day, another by the end of the first week, and another two a few weeks later.

      There was another period of strong growth in numbers during the 1950s and towards the end of that decade School Committee members lobbied on behalf of others in the community for a secondary component and Mount Compass School became an Area School in 1962.

      The school made another leap forward in 1988 with the introduction of Year 12. Since then numbers have continued to increase, and students have continued to be successful.
