介绍,华盛顿与李大学(Washington and Lee University)始建于1749年,为美国第九古老的大学。其坐落于弗吉尼亚州的列克星敦的小镇上。该校曾因财政危机而得到乔治华盛顿的资助。华盛顿与李大学非常具有南方文化的风范。通识教育是学校的基础,优势专业有商学,经济学、会计学、新闻学和大众传媒学,历史和英文的实力也很强。
Founded in 1749, Washington and Lee University is named for two of the most influential men in American history: George Washington, whose generous endowment of $20,000 in 1796 helped the fledgling school (then known as Liberty Hall Academy) survive, and Robert E. Lee, whose presidency and innovative leadership brought the University into the national limelight. The University is located in the historic city of Lexington (population 7,000) in the great Valley of Virginia about three hours southwest of Washington, D.C. W&L’s 35 principal buildings include the picturesque Washington College group forming the Colonnade facing Lee Chapel, where Robert E. Lee is buried. The Colonnade and Lee Chapel are National Historic Landmarks. New or recently renovated buildings include the John W. Elrod University Commons, the journalism department's Reid Hall, the Doremus fitness center and Wilson Hall, the fine arts and music center.[4]
Washington and Lee有今天的成就和地位,离不开两位美国历史名人George Washington(当时最慷慨的捐款人)和Robert E. Lee(对Washington and Lee的发展和壮大具有重大贡献)。学校位于Lexington,弗吉尼亚州一个风景优美的历史小城,周边有很多名胜古迹,例如Colonnade and Lee教堂,Reid Hall, Wilson Hall等等。
在学生生活方面,学生拥有高度的自主管理权。120多个俱乐部和组织,包括两个学生报纸,一个广播电台,一个无线电视台。由于学校采取Honor System, 因此自由度和安全系数真可谓学生的福音。本科生可以安排自己的期末考试时间,考试时也没有监考老师。在校园里,个人财产也非常安全,很多大学的建筑都是24小时开放的。