
2019-10-29 17:22:01

  People heading to France are being warned that from yesterdayit is illegal to eat while driving a car.
  Anyone caught snacking while at the wheel can now be pulledover and handed an on-the-spot fine of up to £50. The new lawis a draft of measures aimed at cracking down on carelessmotorists.
  Other new rules now also make it illegal to apply make-up, read a map or listen to 'excessively loudmusic' while at the wheel. Using headphones or other wireless earpieces are also now banned whiledriving either a car, a motorbike or a bicycle.
  Starting July 2, it will also become illegal to smoke in a car when a child aged 12 or under is present.Smoking is also banned outdoors at children’s play areas, including those at motorway rest areas.Notices have been put up in several languages at motorway service stations to alert foreignvisitors to the measures.
  Three years ago, France also made it compulsory for all drivers to carry alcohol breath test kits intheir cars, or face an eight pounds fine. Other compulsory equipment in a car must also include awarning triangle, a high-visibility safety vest, spare light bulbs, headlamp converters for driving onthe right and a GB sticker or number plate with an EU logo.
  At the same time, France also banned, satnavs capable of detecting speed cameras, and evenmobile phones with apps that spot cameras. Offenders facing a £1,000 fine even if the device isnot in use.