
2019-08-05 18:54:12

  In hand 正在进行中
  我们可以用in hand来形容某事情正在进行、正在被受理过程中或某事即将得到处理。多数情况下我们用这个说法来告诉他人一件事情的进展情况,以让他们放心。
  Have you finished that report yet? It has to be handed in on Monday.
  It’s in hand, I’ve done all the research, I just need to write it up.
  短语matter in hand是一个正式表达,意思是“当下正在讨论的或即将被讨论的主题或问题”。这个短语多在开会时使用。
  Right, now we’ve got the introductions out of the way, let’s turn our attention to the matter at hand, the election of a new student council.
  Can we please get back to the matter at hand. I know last night’s TV was fascinating, but we really need to get on.