Apple device owners are slower to download iOS 8,the latest mobile software update, than previousupdates, indicating that they may be scared off by abuggy and embarrassing launch.
苹果(Apple)设备用户下载最新移动操作系统iOS 8的速度正在放缓,明显不敌前几个版本,这显示出对于新系统首发时出现的程序漏洞,用户似乎仍然心有余悸。
On Tuesday, the tech giant revealed new data on its developer support web site indicating that47% of all Apple mobile devices currently run iOS 8, which was released on Sept. 17 to muchfanfare. That’s compared with iOS 7, which was downloaded by 70% of user during the sametwo and a half week period last year according to the data analytics service Mixpanel.
周二,科技巨头苹果公司在其开发者网站上发布了一组最新数据。数据显示,自iOS 8操作系统于9月17日高调发布以来,所有的苹果移动设备中仅有47%已在运行新版系统。这与去年iOS 7发布时的盛况形成了鲜明对比——根据数据分析服务商Mixpanel的统计,同样是在发布后两周半的时间里内,iOS 7的用户下载率达到了70%。
The likely reason behind slower adoption of Apple’s latest mobile software has to do with iOS 8itself. A small, incremental software update to iOS 8, dubbed iOS 8.0.1, quickly madeheadlines after many users complained that it disabled cell and data service, as well as Apple’sfingerprint-recognition technology, Touch ID. Apple quickly pulled the update from its appstore, fixed the bug and made it publicly available a day-and-a-half later.
用户对苹果最新移动操作系统反应谨慎,原因很可能出在iOS 8的漏洞重重上。在名为iOS 8.0.1的小幅更新版本推出后,很多用户反映,更新后通话和网络功能受到影响,苹果的指纹识别技术Touch ID也无法使用,这使得iOS 8.0.1一下子处于风口浪尖。苹果对此迅速作出反应,立刻从应用商店下架了新版系统,并修复了漏洞,在一天半之后发布了修订版供用户下载。
The problems with the update marked a major stumble for Apple, which had hoped toshowcase the new operating system while selling the latest versions of its smartphone, theiPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Instead, it turned into a public relations nightmare.
新版系统的问题对苹果而言无疑是一次沉重的打击,该公司本欲借新款智能手机iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6 Plus发布之际,向用户隆重推出这款新的操作系统,没想到最后却演变成了一场公关危机。
It’s clear a significant number of iOS users remain wary about suffering the same kind ofglitches that some early adopters did. Case in point: Less than a week after its release, Applereported that iOS 8 was running on 46% of all iPhones, iPads and iPods. But as of this week,that figure saw a mere 1% uptick.
显然,早期升级用户所遇到的问题让相当一部分的iOS用户顾虑重重,不敢贸然更新从苹果提供的数据中不难看出这一点:新版系统发布后不到一周,苹果就曾宣称,所有的iPhone、iPad和 iPod设备中,运行iOS 8系统的用户比例占到46%。但是截至本周,这一数字仅增加了1%。