
2019-11-19 08:35:45

A: It was a savage fight. He almost bit his ear off.
B: Wow, that sounds terrible. It must have been really wild.
A: 这场架打得太野蛮了。他差点咬掉了他的耳朵。
B: 哇,听起来怪可怕的,场面一定都失控了。
A: Don’t be too severe on the child. He is quite young.
B: I know, but he still has to learn right from wrong.
A: 别对孩子那么严厉,他还小。
B: 我知道,可那他也得学会分辨是非啊。
savage: 残酷的,野蛮的。
bite: 咬。
sound: 听起来,似乎。
severe: 过分严格的;举止或表情严肃的