
2019-11-28 14:45:21

  What you think it means: Severe。你以为单词的含义是:剧烈的。What it really means: Over the course of a long time。单词的真正含义是:历时长久的。
  This is definitely one that people ought to know better. When you have severe pain, it is just severe pain. If you have chronic pain, you have been in pain for a long, long time. Chronic conditions and diseases are called chronic because they won’t go away and not because they’re overly severe。人们绝对需要好好了解这个单词的含义。假设你受到剧烈疼痛,那它只是剧烈疼痛而已。如果你有chronic(慢性的)疼痛,那你可得很久很久地承受这疼痛了。慢性状况和疾病之所以是chronic(慢性的),是因为它们不会消退,而不是说它们极其严重。