
2019-10-02 07:10:37

  主语与谓语的一致:在英语表达中,谓语动词的形式要和主语的人称和数保持一致。主要体现在be动词,助动词do, have 以及一般现在时态中的动词形式。
  1. I am seventeen, and he is sixteen.
  2. There is a desk in the room, but there are no chairs in it.
  3. John gets up at six o’clock every morning.
  4. What is the latest news about the Olympic Games ?
  5. The family are sitting at the breakfast table.
  1. 由and连接的两个名词或代词做主语:
  ① My brother and I have both seen that film.
  ② Both rice and wheat are grown in this part of China.
  ③ The poet and the novelist were both present at the meeting.
  ④ Reading, writing and arithmetic are called the three R’s.
  ① The professor and writer is speaking at the meeting.
  ② War and peace is a constant theme in history.
  ③ One more knife and fork is needed.
  ④ The statesman and poet was engaged in warfare all his life.
  ⑤ Law and order has been established.
  ⑥ Bread and butter is our daily food.
  ⑦ Fish and chips is a popular fast food.
  ⑧ The stars and stripes is the national flag of U.S.A.
  (3)这部分主语前面有each, every, many a, no 等修饰时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。
  ① Each doctor and(each)nurse was given a new shirt.
  ② No sound and no voice is heard.
  ③ Many a boy and girl has made the same mistake.
  ④ Every minute and every second is precious.
  2. 动名词,不定式,主语从句做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
  ① Reading is a great pleasure in life.
  ② To live means to create.
  ③ That we need more time is obvious.
  ④ What is needed is food and medicine.

  3. 表示时间,金钱,距离,重量的复数名词表示数量做主语时,被视为一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。
  ① Three thousand miles is a long distance.
  ② Eight hours of sleep is enough.
  4. 不定代词anyone, anything, everyone, everything, someone, something, no one, nothing, each the other 等做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
  ① Is anybody going to tell him the news ?
  ② Someone wants to see you.
  由连词or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, 连接的两个名词或代词做主语时,谓语动词和离它最近的哪个名词或代词的人称和数一致。
  1. Either you or Jean is to be sent to New Zealand.
  2. Not only his family but also he likes Chaplin’s movies.
  3. Neither Tom nor the Browns enjoy their journey to Beijing owing to the bad weather.
  4. George or Tom is wanted.
  注意:There be句型中be 的形式由它后面的第一个名词的数决定。
  1. There aren’t any letters in the mail for you today.
  2. There is a lamp, two pens and three books on the desk.
  3. Here are some envelopes and paper for you.
  名词后面带有with, along with, together with, besides, except, but, like, including, as well as, rather than短语共同做主语时,谓语动词与这些短语前面的那个名词的数一致。
  1. All but one were here just now.
  2. A library with five thousand books is offered to that nation as a gift.
  3. An expert, together with some assistants, was sent to help in this work.
  4. You as well as I are wrong.
  1. 代词none, neither, all的不可数形式还是复数形式由它们指的内容决定
  (1)All hope has gone.
  (2)All are agreed on this point.
  (3)—Is there any milk in the fridge? —No, there is none.
  (4)None has returned from the meeting.
  2. 集合名词group, class, family, army, enemy, team等名词的单,复数形式根据它们强调的内容而定。
  (1)The class were all cheerful.
  (2)The team were taking over some new plays.
  (3)The group are reading the newspapers.
  (4)The army is going to remain in this town.
  (5)The army have rescued the travelers.
  3. 限定词短语all of…; none of…; a lot of…; 以及分数/百分数+of ….修饰名词构成的名词短语做主语时,谓语动词的形式由of 后面的名词形式决定。
  (1)None of these suggestions are very helpful.
  (2)I don’t think any of us wants to work tomorrow.
  (3)Two-fifths of the students in the class are from Arabic-speaking countries.
  1. 主谓一致的考查主要体现在单项选择和短文改错两个题型中。同学们在练习和应试时,遇到这样的题时,要牢记主谓一致的三个基本原则。一定要根据句子内容抓住关键的主语部分。同时还要考虑句子的时态和语态。
  2. one of +复数名词做定语从句的先行词时,定语从句中的谓语动词与复数名词一致。 the only one of +复数名词做定语从句的先行词时,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数形式。
  Jim was one of the boys who were late for class.
  Jim was the only one of the boys who was late for class.