暮光之城•暮色 第199期:第十二章 平衡(15)

2019-11-17 13:23:32

With everything ready for the morning, I finally lay in my bed. I felt hyper; I couldn't stoptwitching. I got up and rifled through my shoebox of CDs until I found a collection of Chopin'snocturnes. I put that on very quietly and then lay down again, concentrating on relaxingindividual parts of my body. Somewhere in the middle of that exercise, the cold pills took effect,and I gladly sank into unconsciousness.

I woke early, having slept soundly and dreamlessly thanks to my gratuitous drug use. ThoughI was well rested, I slipped right back into the same hectic frenzy from the night before. Idressed in a rush, smoothing my collar against my neck, fidgeting with the tan sweater till ithung right over my jeans. I sneaked a swift look out the window to see that Charlie wasalready gone. A thin, cottony layer of clouds veiled the sky. They didn't look very lasting.


I ate breakfast without tasting the food, hurrying to clean up when I was done. I peeked outthe window again, but nothing had changed. I had just finished brushing my teeth and washeading back downstairs when a quiet knock sent my heart thudding against my rib cage.


I flew to the door; I had a little trouble with the simple dead bolt, but I yanked the door open atlast, and there he was. All the agitation dissolved as soon as I looked at his face, calm takingits place. I breathed a sigh of relief — yesterday's fears seemed very foolish with him here.


He wasn't smiling at first — his face was somber. But then his expression lightened as helooked me over, and he laughed.


"Good morning," he chuckled.


"What's wrong?" I glanced down to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything important, likeshoes, or pants.


"We match." He laughed again. I realized he had a long, light tan sweater on, with a white collarshowing underneath, and blue jeans. I laughed with him, hiding a secret twinge of regret —why did he have to look like a runway model when I couldn't?


I locked the door behind me while he walked to the truck. He waited by the passenger door witha martyred expression that was easy to understand.


"We made a deal," I reminded him smugly, climbing into the driver's seat, and reaching over tounlock his door.


"Where to?" I asked.


"Put your seat belt on — I'm nervous already."


I gave him a dirty look as I complied.


"Where to?" I repeated with a sigh.


"Take the one-oh-one north," he ordered.
