What politeness costs and gains

2019-11-11 10:21:36

  What politeness costs and gains
  A very nice day to all of my new friends here.
  To begin with my speech, I would like you to think about one question:
What does politeness cost and gain? I am going to set up a situation and
we will see how can politeness make a difference.
  Imaging now you are rushing for a very important meeting. On the way,
you suddenly realize that you are actually sandwiched in a busy crowd. So
in this particular situation, you may just rudely push your way through
the people without noticing that you have already stamped on thousands of
shoes. All right, you got the place on time, but rudeness is probably the
only thing you have left to the others.
  Supposing this time you just tenderly squeeze the way out, saying:
“Excuse me” to the people around. What kind of effect will it have?
Besides your punctual arrival, you have also left a good impression to the
people you do not even know.
  It is just a simple phrase “excuse me” which has turned the whole event.
Now you see how powerful politeness is. It only costs us a “Please” to
gain a promise; It only costs us a “Hello” to gain joyful day; It only
costs us a “Thank you” to gain a reward. Polite costs nothing but gains
  There seems to be only a narrow boundary in between politeness and
impoliteness. But what really count is to realize the significance of this
  We inherit the virtue of politeness from our ancestors and will add
glory to it. Just do it, do it often, for it will give the lightness to
our hearts and do wonders to our souls.



