
2019-11-25 13:54:33

  make sense讲得通;很有意义
  This sentence doesn’t make any sense.
  sentence 短语归纳
  sentence用作名词或动词,有“宣判,判决”之意。如:pass sentence on sb.判某人的刑;announce sentence on sb.宣布对某人的判决;serve one’s sentence服刑;be sentenced to hard labour被判服苦役;be sentenced to six months in prisom被判处六个月监禁;be under the sentence of death/be sentenced to death被;have sb. sentenced to death判某人死刑;sentence sb. to death判某人死刑;receive a sentence of two years 被判两年徒刑。
  One murderer was______ ______ three years in prison and the other was sentenced_______ _________ .
  The thief_______a sentence _______ 5 years in prison.
  Key:①sentenced, to, to, death ②received, of