"Beijing Blue" could ease the public's concerns over the air pollution problem and attract more tourists from both home and abroad.
几场雷阵雨(thunderstorms)过后,北京蓝天如洗,白云如同棉花糖一般(fleecy clouds)。市民们走出门去,一览大自然美景并用镜头记录这难得一见的好天气。继“APEC蓝”(APEC Blue)之后,北京的蓝天再次刷屏社交网络。
近期出现的“北京蓝”得益于两方面:一是受华北上空的冷涡(cold vortex)影响。高空(in high altitude)冷涡带来多股冷空气,有利于空气中污染物的扩散(help to dilute and diffuse pollutants in the air);二是环境治理效果初显。在京津冀协同发展(integrated and coordinated development of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei province)的背景下,治污经费增加,排放不合格的汽车被禁止上路。北京市政府立志于2017年前将引发有毒雾霾的PM2.5浓度降低20%(aim to reduce the density of PM 2.5, particulate matter that causes hazardous smog, by 20% by 2017)。
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