
2019-11-24 13:35:08

  From now on, the evaluation of professional titles for scientific and research personnel in Guangdong will no longer be paper-centric but featuring more variety to apply.
  《意见》中规定,科技人员在参与职称评审时,研发高新技术(high or new technology)并成功实现转化(achieve technology transfers)和产业化,或者荣获相关专利(patents)发明奖项的,均可替代一定篇数的论文发表(publishing a paper)要求。
  Experts have pointed out that the majority of published papers in China have little worth, except to meet the professional title requirement, and the majority of scientific and technological results fail to be transferred to industry for practical use.
  This change to the professional title assessment system will be conducive to promoting better scientific and technological research for the benefit of society.