
2019-10-17 16:31:25


Chinese authorities are "seriously" investigating reports that a national flag on the Japanese ambassador's car was ripped off in Beijing on Monday, amid a territorial row over disputed islands.
上文中的rip off表示“撕掉、扯掉”,如He ripped off a national flag on the Japanese ambassador’s car.(他把日本驻华大使车上的国旗给扯走了。)另外也可以用snatch来表示,如A man snatched a national flag from the Japanese ambassador's car.
在通常情况下,rip off用来表示“敲竹杠、欺骗”等意,名词形式为rip-off,如The lack of a meter allows drivers to rip off passengers.(出租车不安装计价器使司机得以趁机“宰客”。)The 100-dollar jacket is such a rip-off.(那件100美元的夹克简直太宰人了。)
territorial row(争端)最近在中国不少城市引发了anti-Japanese protest(游行)。不过,这样的“抢国旗”事件被很多媒体称为blind patriotism(盲目的爱国主义),不但不能对解决争端起到任何积极作用,反而会damage China's global image(损害中国在国际上的形象)。