2014年中考英语词组辨析:feed/ keep

2019-11-27 06:08:21

  Ⅰ. feed “喂养”,强调具体的动作,意为:“给……喂食、给……东西吃”常用句型为:feed sb. / sth.(on sth); feed sth. to sb./ sth. 给(人或动物)某物作为食物。如:
  ① Mr King has a large family to feed. 金先生要养活一大家人。
  ② What do you feedyour dog on?你用什么喂狗?
  ③ Feed some stewed(炖的)apple to the baby. 给婴儿多喂些炖苹果。
  Ⅱ. keep “饲养”,指总体情况,不涉及具体动作。如:
  ① The old woman kept many dogs. 那位老太太养了许多狗。