
2019-11-19 15:46:03

我们上学的时候,一般都是老师上课讲课文和知识点,然后布置课后作业让我们做针对性的练习。现在,美国一些地方的学校推出了跟这种传统模式完全相反的教学方式,新内容和知识点全部让学生在家里跟着教学视频自学,课堂时间主要用来做针对性练习,老师的主要任务是答疑和辅导。这种新的教学模式就叫flipped classroom(翻转课堂)。

Flipped classroom (or flip teaching) is a form of blended learning in which students learn new content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class with teacher offering more personalized guidance and interaction with students, instead of lecturing. This is also known as backwards classroom, reverse instruction.


The traditional pattern of teaching has been to assign students to read textbooks and work on problem sets outside school, while listening to lectures and taking test in class.


In flip teaching, the students first study the topic by themselves, typically using video lessons prepared by the teacher. In class students apply the knowledge by solving problems and doing practical work. The teacher tutors the students when they become stuck, rather than imparting the initial lesson in person. Complementary techniques include differentiated instruction and project-based learning.


Flipped classrooms free class time for hands-on work. Students learn by doing and asking questions. Students can also help each other, a process that benefits both the advanced and less advanced learners. (Source: Wikipedia)
