
Moorestown Friends School
  • 混校
  • 省州:新泽西州
  • 学生人数:711 人
  • 建校年份:1785年
  • 官网:www.mfriends.org
穆尔斯顿贵格会学校相关问答 > Moorestown Friends school怎么样 毕业生走向寄宿家庭质量如何 在visual art方面强吗
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    Moorestown Friends school怎么样 毕业生走向寄宿家庭质量如何 在visual art方面强吗

    您好:Moorestown Friends school是一所贵格会学校,距离费城很近。该校的毕业走向还是不错的,近几年有学生升入哈佛大学、耶鲁大学和斯坦福这些藤校,寄宿家庭是有机构负责安置。该校的视觉艺术很好,开设的课程有绘画、油画、陶瓷、木工、摄影、珠宝设计等。我2017年曾经参观过该校,学校有200多年历史老校,学校的课程非常丰富,有18门AP课程和32门荣誉课程。MFS最有特色的是顶点计划旨在挑战和激励希望在特定领域进行高级学习的学生。
    您好:该校是由某个机构独代的,请先了解该机构口碑,寄宿家庭也是由他们安置的。学校是贵格会,IB教育体系。这是2017年大学录取情况,看起来还是不错的:,https://www.mfriends.org/our-program/upper-school/college-counseling/destination-colleges-universities-class-2017/学校在Visual Art方面是比较强的,这是官网介绍: At least six visual art courses are offered concurrently. Juniors and seniors can take Art Studio as a major subject. This course meets daily throughout the entire school year and is designed both for the student who wishes to prepare a portfolio for art school acceptance as well as for young artists who would like to further their skills and appreciation of the visual arts for more personal reasons. Studio artists may also take as a junior AP Studio Art in preparation for submission of an AP portfolio. Trips to either the Museum of Modern Art or the Metropolitan Museum in New York City are taken each year. At the end of the school year, an art show displays for a week the breadth and depth of the projects that have been created by students.