对于寄宿学校来说不难了。申请成绩方面——FS上面的数据显示托福60最低,平均70;SSAT没有写明。应该只需要托福就可以了。那这样的话肯定是75+录取可能会大一些吧,这个成绩不是特别难。这里是官网关于申请的要求。International Boarding Students:Learn more about our unique residential program.Send us your test registration and results (TOEFL, TOEFL JR. ITEP, IELTS, SSAT scores all accepted).Fill out an online application.*Submit $50 application fee.Compose a personal essay.Send us your school transcripts.Ask one English and one Math/Science teacher to fill out a recommendation form. (Forms can be mailed or sent via e-mail)E-mail us proof of identity (i.e. a copy of your passport data page).E-mail us to schedule a visit to Buffalo Seminary and an interview with the Admission Office. If you are unable to visit campus, you can e-mail us to set up a Skype interview instead.*If you would prefer, SEM also accepts the SSAT and the TABS applications in lieu of our application. SSAT and TABS applications include essay, transcripts, and recommendation forms.更多问题可以欢迎一起讨论~希望能帮到你。