托马斯杰弗逊学校相关问答 > @南京7C陶妈:有了解 thomas jefferson school 的前辈吗?为什么fs上这个学校的大学走向看上去很好,但是评分却这么低呢?
@南京7C陶妈:有了解 thomas jefferson school 的前辈吗?为什么fs上这个学校的大学走向看上去很好,但是评分却这么低呢?
As a small school, we are, in my opinion unfairly impacted by college placement rates. Proportionally speaking, if we send (for example) 25% of our graduating class to Ivy League Schools, that only translates to 4 students. A larger school may have a higher number of attendees but a lower proportion.