录取学校 | 录取人数 |
芝加哥大学 (University of Chicago ) | 1 人 |
密歇根大学安娜堡分校 (University of Michigan ) | 1 人 |
布兰戴斯大学 (Brandeis University ) | 1 人 |
波士顿大学 (Boston University ) | 1 人 |
东北大学 (Northeastern University ) | 1 人 |
康涅狄格大学 (University of Connecticut ) | 1 人 |
伍斯特理工学院 (Worcester Polytechnic Institute ) | 1 人 |
雪城大学 (Syracuse University ) | 1 人 |
美国大学 (American University ) | 1 人 |
克拉克大学 (Clark University ) | 1 人 |
麻省大学阿姆赫斯特分校 (University of Massachusetts Amherst ) | 1 人 |
丹佛大学 (University of Denver ) | 1 人 |
科罗拉多大学博尔德分校 (University of Colorado Boulder ) | 1 人 |
德雷克赛尔大学 (Drexel University ) | 1 人 |
录取学校 | 录取人数 |
科尔比学院 (Colby College ) | 1 人 |
曼荷莲女子学院 (Mount Holyoke College ) | 1 人 |
联合学院 (Union College ) | 1 人 |
狄金森学院 (Dickinson College ) | 1 人 |
三一学院 (Trinity College ) | 1 人 |
巴德学院 (Bard College ) | 1 人 |
康涅狄格学院 (Connecticut College ) | 1 人 |
Adopt a Grandparent Club, Establish a relationship with the Elderly | Anime, Explore Japanese Culture | Arts and Crafts Club, Create Expressively with Unusual Materials |
Chess, Improve Levels of Concentration | Classic Movie Club, Thoughtful Discussion of Cinematic Classics | Community Service Club, Time Spent Improving the Campus |
Electronic Games Club, Reviewing and Experiencing Various Electronic Games | Fencing, Self Awarness, Self Discipline and Concentration | Go Club, To Improve Cognitive Ability |
GSA Club, A Safe Supportive Place for Gay Teens | Horticulture Club, Gardening and Plant Care | Jewelry Club, Design and Make Jewelry |
Karaoke Club, To Sing Different Genres of Music and Have Fun | Mindfulness | Mock Trail Club, Develop Critical Thinking, Reading and Speaking |
Music Jam Club, Freewheeling Musical Creativity | Novel Club, To Write Scripts and Convert into Storyboards | Paint Ball, Teamwork, Sportsmanship, Respect |
Photo Yearbook Club, Take Photos for Publication | Puppy Playtime Club, Learn How to Raise and Train a Puppy | Red Cross Blood Club, Donate and Develop a Sense of Responsibility |
Russian Club, Introduction to Russian Culture and Cooking | Snack Attack, Nutrition and Healthy Snacks | Snow Shoe Club, Spend Time Exercising in the New England Woods |
Stage Crew Club, Backstage Area and Equipment Functions | Theatre Production, Music and Drama Departments Join Together for Two Full Scale Productions a Year | Volleyball Club |
Zoo Keepers Club, To learn About and care for all Living Organisms |
篮球 |
Cross Country
耐力跑 |
跳水 |
高尔夫球 |
长曲棍球 |
足球 |
垒球 |
壁球 |
游泳 |
网球 |
Ultimate Frisbee
极限飞盘 |
摔跤 |