
2019-10-29 17:28:50

  【2013四川雅安】7. David visited lots of in the world.
  A. places of interesting B. places of interest
  C. place of interests D. place of interesting
  【解析】考查名词定语及名词的数。lots of 意为“许多”,可修饰不可数名词和复数名词,place是可数名词,可排除C、D两项;places of interest意为“名胜”,是固定短语,所以选择答案B。
  【2013浙江杭州】18.Hangzhou is _________ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here.
  A. home B. house C. family D. room
  【2013浙江绍兴】17. —The sweater is not the right ___for me.
  —Well, shall I get you’re a bigger one or a smaller one?
  A. price B. color C. size D. material
  【解析】考查名词词义辨析。price价格;color颜色;size尺寸,大小;material材料。根据后文“Shall I get you a bigger one or a small one?”可推知:是毛衣的“尺寸大小”不适合我,故选 C。
  【2013福建福州】33. — David, why are you so excited?
  — My father has made a_________ that he will take me to Tibet next month.
  A. face B. promise C . mistake
  【解析】选B。考查固定短语。make a face做鬼脸;make a promise许诺;句意:戴维,你为什么如此的兴奋?我父亲承诺下个月他将带我去西藏。根据语境故B项正确。