酷抠族,是悄然崛起于当今“族”语境下的一群时尚达人。人如其名,他们身上既有“酷”(cool)的超逸,也有“凡人”(carl)的简约。是当下一种时尚的抠门,这是一种褒义下的“抠”,因为酷抠族崇尚的是“节约光荣,浪费可耻”。酷抠族未必贫穷,也不是守财奴,他们具有较高的学历,不菲的收入。酷抠族精打细算不是吝啬,而是一种节约的方式。“Cool carl” is a group of fashion icon quietly emerging from the current “clan” context. Just as the name suggests, those people possess the quality of being both “cool” and thrift as a “carl”. It is a kind of “stinginess” which is the latest trend and with a positive meaning because what the “cool carl” advocates is “saving glorious; waste shameful”. “Cool carl” is not necessarily poor or miserly but the kind of people with relatively high academic degrees and salaries. Their penny pinching can not be interpreted as mean but as thrift.
At a time like this we can see only price hike but no pay pike. While people complain about the soaring prices, reducing expenditure becomes a good choice. Instead of downgrading our quality of life, being thrift will let us live quality life using lesser money. The usual practice of “cool carl” include avoiding taking taxis, leaving no leftovers, doing housework on one’s own, treating friends to dinner at home no matter how busy and tired they are. In fact, compared to people who are ostentatious and extravagant, the strict budgeting “cool carl”, by transferring consumption priorities, is trying to get the most satisfaction with the least money under the precondition of not affecting their life quality.
注:“酷抠族”通过精打细算能够转移消费重点,更好地配置“有数”的金钱。对于金钱和为人处世,他们并非真正意义上的“抠门”,故不宜将其直译为“cool miser”。根据该词的内涵,不妨将此词译为“cool carl”。这样,既有“酷”(cool)的超逸,也有“凡人”(carl)的简约,而且与“酷抠”在读音上也比较相近。你也是一枚“酷抠族”吗?